Over 50 Years of Excellence in Stained Glass Craft and Conservation
A. Arrol and S. Brown, 'The Great East Window of York Minster', Building Conservation, 2015 (available to read online )
S. Brown, 'Stained Glass', in M. Kemp (ed.), The Oxford History of Western Art, Oxford, 2000, pp. 108-23
S. Brown, 'Our Magnificent Fabrick': York Minster, An Architectural History, c. 1220-1500, Swindon, 2003Â
S. Brown, 'Window at New College Oxford Conserved', Vidimus, 31, July 2009 (available to read online
S. Brown, ‘Stained Glass Conservation at York Minster: Past Histories, Future Challenges’ in M.B. Shepard, L. Pilosi and S. Strobl, (eds.), The Art of Collaboration: Stained Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century, Turnhout & London, 2010, pp. 57-64
S. Brown, ‘Preserving the Heavenly Jerusalem: Stained Glass Conservation and Research at York Minster’, Opera della Primaziale Pisana, European Cathedrals 2013: Conservation of Stained-Glass Windows, Pisa, 2014, pp. 89-107
S. Brown, Apocalypse: The Great East Window of York Minster, London, 2014 (available to purchase )
S. Brown, ‘Archbishop Scrope’s lost window in York Minster’, Sue Powell (ed.), Saints and Cults in Medieval England, Harlaxton Medieval Studies XXVII, Donington, 2017, pp. 299-317
S. Brown, Stained Glass in York Minster, London, 2017 (with photography by N. Teed; available to purchase )
S. Brown, The Great East Window of York Minster: An English Masterpiece, London, 2018 (available to purchase )
S. Brown, ‘The Penitencers Window of York Minster’, Vidimus, February 2018 (add link)
S. BrownÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýS. Strobl, A Fragile Inheritance: The Care of Stained Glass and Historic Glazing, A Handbook for Custodians, London, 2002
A. Daw, 'St William Returns! A Window Restored', Vidimus, 14, January 2008 (available to read online )
I. Freestone, J. Kunicki-Goldfinger, H. Gilderdale Scott, and T. Ayers, 'Multi-Disciplinary Investigation of the Window of John Thornton, Focussing on the Great East Window of York Minster' in M. Shepherd, L. Pilosi and S. Strobl (eds), The Art of Collaboration: Stained Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century, New York, 2010, pp. 1-19 (available to read online )
N. Georgi, Erhalten für die Zukunft: konservatorische. Anforderungen an glasmalerei-Vitrinen und deren Bewertung in der Praxis ('Preserving for the Future: Conservation Requirements for Stained Glass Showcases and their Evaluation in Practice'), unpublished diploma, University of Erfurt, 2000Â
N. Georgi, The Glazed Screens of Trinity Street Station: A Case Study in the Care and Conservation of Decorative Glazing, unpublished MA dissertation, University of York, 2010
N. Georgi, ‘Assessing the significance of dry cleaning methods in stained-glass conservation: A York Minster case-study’, in C. Loisel and I. Pallot-Frossard (eds.), Comment Prendre Soin d’un Patrimoine Fragile? Stained Glass: How to take care of a Fragile Heritage?, 9th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Stained Glass, Paris, 2015, pp. 58-63
P. Gibson, 'A Treasure House of Stained Glass', in R. Holtby (ed.), Eric Milner-White, A Memorial, Chichester, 1991, pp. 59-81
P. Gibson, 'It Will Shine Again: Stained Glass and the 1984 Fire at York Minster', Vidimus, 13, December 2007 (available to read online )
S. Gwynn, 'The Problems of Stained Glass Infills: A Practice-Based Discussion of History and Current Approaches', unpublished MA dissertation, University of York, 2013
M. Hall, The Chapel of Trinity College, Oxford: A Guide to the Restored Chapel, Oxford, 2016 (available to read online )
Z. Harrigan, 'Glass Deterioration and the Penitencer's Window, York Minster', ICON Stained Glass Group Conference, London, 8 May 2018Â
J. Kunicki-Goldfinger, I. Freestone, I. McDonald, J. Hobot, H. Gilderdale Scott, and T. Ayers, 'Technology, Production and Chronology of Red Window Glass in the Medieval Period - Rediscovery of a Lost Technology', Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, 2014, pp. 89-105.
R. Meindl, ‘New Developments: Mouth-blown UV protective window glass: the Great East Window of York Minster’ in C. Loisel and I. Pallot-Frossard (eds.), Comment Prendre Soin d’un Patrimoine Fragile?/Stained Glass: How to take care of a Fragile Heritage?, 9th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Stained Glass, Paris, 2015, pp. 91-95
R. Rosewell, 'The History of the 91Ãâ·Ñ: The First Forty Years', Vidimus, 12, November 2007 (available to read online )
R. Rosewell, 'Forty Years of Achievement', Vidimus, 16, March 2008 (available to read online )
N. Teed, 'Bronze Framing for Historic Stained Glass: A New Case Study from the 91Ãâ·Ñ', Vidimus, 88, February 2015 (available online )
L. Tempest, N. Georgi, and N. Teed, ‘Thomas Jervais and the East Window of Agher Parish Church, County Meath, Ireland’, in S. Brown, C. Loisel et al. (eds.), Stained Glass: Art at the Surface – Creation, Recognition and Conservation, 10th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Stained Glass, York, 2018, pp. 202-13
L. Tempest, N. Georgi, and N. Teed, 'Thomas Jervais and the East Window of Agher Parish Church, County Meath, Ireland', Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, vol. 59, issue 1, February 2018, pp. 11-19
L. Tempest and N. Teed, 'The Old Library, Merton College, Oxford, A Stained Glass Protective Glazing Trial', ICON Ceramics and Glass Group, 7-8 September, 2017, OxfordÂ
R. Thomas, 'Replacing Ties In-Situ', Conservation in Focus, British Society of Master Glass Painters, 2011, p. 4 (available to read online )
R. Thomas, 'Dichloromethane Vapour', ICON News, 59, July 2015, pp. 30-32 (available to read online )
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