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By and About 91Ãâ·Ñ

Over 50 Years of Excellence in Stained Glass Craft and Conservation

Selected Staff Bibliography

A. Arrol and S. Brown, 'The Great East Window of York Minster', Building Conservation, 2015 (available to read online )

S. Brown, 'Stained Glass', in M. Kemp (ed.), The Oxford History of Western Art, Oxford, 2000, pp. 108-23

S. Brown, 'Our Magnificent Fabrick': York Minster, An Architectural History, c. 1220-1500, Swindon, 2003 

S. Brown, 'Window at New College Oxford Conserved', Vidimus, 31, July 2009 (available to read online

S. Brown, ‘Stained Glass Conservation at York Minster: Past Histories, Future Challenges’ in M.B. Shepard, L. Pilosi and S. Strobl, (eds.), The Art of Collaboration: Stained Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century, Turnhout & London, 2010, pp. 57-64

S. Brown, ‘Preserving the Heavenly Jerusalem: Stained Glass Conservation and Research at York Minster’, Opera della Primaziale Pisana, European Cathedrals 2013: Conservation of Stained-Glass Windows, Pisa, 2014, pp. 89-107

S. Brown, Apocalypse: The Great East Window of York Minster, London, 2014 (available to purchase )

S. Brown, ‘Archbishop Scrope’s lost window in York Minster’, Sue Powell (ed.), Saints and Cults in Medieval England, Harlaxton Medieval Studies XXVII, Donington, 2017, pp. 299-317

S. Brown, Stained Glass in York Minster, London, 2017 (with photography by N. Teed; available to purchase )

S. Brown, The Great East Window of York Minster: An English Masterpiece, London, 2018 (available to purchase )

S. Brown, ‘The Penitencers Window of York Minster’, Vidimus, February 2018 (add link)

S. BrownÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýS. Strobl, A Fragile Inheritance: The Care of Stained Glass and Historic Glazing, A Handbook for Custodians, London, 2002

A. Daw, 'St William Returns! A Window Restored', Vidimus, 14, January 2008 (available to read online )

I. Freestone, J. Kunicki-Goldfinger, H. Gilderdale Scott, and T. Ayers, 'Multi-Disciplinary Investigation of the Window of John Thornton, Focussing on the Great East Window of York Minster' in M. Shepherd, L. Pilosi and S. Strobl (eds), The Art of Collaboration: Stained Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century, New York, 2010, pp. 1-19 (available to read online )

N. Georgi, Erhalten für die Zukunft: konservatorische. Anforderungen an glasmalerei-Vitrinen und deren Bewertung in der Praxis ('Preserving for the Future: Conservation Requirements for Stained Glass Showcases and their Evaluation in Practice'), unpublished diploma, University of Erfurt, 2000 

N. Georgi, The Glazed Screens of Trinity Street Station: A Case Study in the Care and Conservation of Decorative Glazing, unpublished MA dissertation, University of York, 2010

N. Georgi, ‘Assessing the significance of dry cleaning methods in stained-glass conservation: A York Minster case-study’, in C. Loisel and I. Pallot-Frossard (eds.), Comment Prendre Soin d’un Patrimoine Fragile? Stained Glass: How to take care of a Fragile Heritage?, 9th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Stained Glass, Paris, 2015, pp. 58-63

P. Gibson, 'A Treasure House of Stained Glass', in R. Holtby (ed.), Eric Milner-White, A Memorial, Chichester, 1991, pp. 59-81

P. Gibson, 'It Will Shine Again: Stained Glass and the 1984 Fire at York Minster', Vidimus, 13, December 2007 (available to read online )

S. Gwynn, 'The Problems of Stained Glass Infills: A Practice-Based Discussion of History and Current Approaches', unpublished MA dissertation, University of York, 2013

M. Hall, The Chapel of Trinity College, Oxford: A Guide to the Restored Chapel, Oxford, 2016 (available to read online )

Z. Harrigan, 'Glass Deterioration and the Penitencer's Window, York Minster', ICON Stained Glass Group Conference, London, 8 May 2018 

J. Kunicki-Goldfinger, I. Freestone, I. McDonald, J. Hobot, H. Gilderdale Scott, and T. Ayers, 'Technology, Production and Chronology of Red Window Glass in the Medieval Period - Rediscovery of a Lost Technology', Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, 2014, pp. 89-105.

R. Meindl, ‘New Developments: Mouth-blown UV protective window glass: the Great East Window of York Minster’ in C. Loisel and I. Pallot-Frossard (eds.), Comment Prendre Soin d’un Patrimoine Fragile?/Stained Glass: How to take care of a Fragile Heritage?, 9th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Stained Glass, Paris, 2015, pp. 91-95

R. Rosewell, 'The History of the 91Ãâ·Ñ: The First Forty Years', Vidimus, 12, November 2007 (available to read online )

R. Rosewell, 'Forty Years of Achievement', Vidimus, 16, March 2008 (available to read online )

N. Teed, 'Bronze Framing for Historic Stained Glass: A New Case Study from the 91Ãâ·Ñ', Vidimus, 88, February 2015 (available online )

L. Tempest, N. Georgi, and N. Teed, ‘Thomas Jervais and the East Window of Agher Parish Church, County Meath, Ireland’, in S. Brown, C. Loisel et al. (eds.), Stained Glass: Art at the Surface – Creation, Recognition and Conservation, 10th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Stained Glass, York, 2018, pp. 202-13

L. Tempest, N. Georgi, and N. Teed, 'Thomas Jervais and the East Window of Agher Parish Church, County Meath, Ireland', Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology, vol. 59, issue 1, February 2018, pp. 11-19

L. Tempest and N. Teed, 'The Old Library, Merton College, Oxford, A Stained Glass Protective Glazing Trial', ICON Ceramics and Glass Group, 7-8 September, 2017, Oxford 

R. Thomas, 'Replacing Ties In-Situ', Conservation in Focus, British Society of Master Glass Painters, 2011, p. 4 (available to read online )

R. Thomas, 'Dichloromethane Vapour', ICON News, 59, July 2015, pp. 30-32 (available to read online )

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